Should Your Wedding Be Unplugged?

April 06, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Nowadays, we are completely attached to our cell phones. So much so that we even have them in front of us during weddings. Granted we may be taking photos with our cell phones, but how much attention are you really paying to the ceremony of your best friends or family while trying catch an off-angle shot of the first kiss?

A trend we are recently seeing (and are highly appreciative of) is the Unplugged Wedding. This is a ceremony (or even including the reception) where the bride and groom as their guests to please keep all cell phones, tablets, and cameras put away during the event. It allows them to fully be part of the day and see things first hand rather than through a screen. Not to mention, it allows the photographer and possibly videographer the ability to capture unobstructed shots of the day. The lovebirds likely paid a lot of money for these two professionals to do their job, and the last thing they want is cousin Phil's arm and cell phone in the aisle blocking the ever-important first kiss.

Why you should have an unplugged weddingWhy you should have an unplugged wedding

A quick search on Pinterest for "unplugged wedding" will provide a plethora of witty signs to display at your wedding, politely asking guests to put their cell phones and cameras away so they can enjoy the moment with you.

Unplugged wedding sign from bride and groomUnplugged wedding sign from bride and groom

As you are planning your wedding, please take the time to consider having an unplugged wedding. You have hired professional photographers for a reason and are paying a pretty penny for us, so why not encourage your guests to simply enjoy the memories with you?

We love hearing wedding stories... feel free to share your experience in the comments with having an unplugged wedding or even when guests were disastrous with cameras!


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